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Writer's pictureforgottenwhispers

What is Domestic Violence?

Updated: Nov 8, 2022

Although statistically, Domestic Violence is usually more directed at women, aged 18-24, men are also susceptible to violence by a partner. Domestic Violence has no race, no gender, no fixed address. Domestic Violence can shows itself in different forms including, physical, mental, emotional or sexual. Even just threats of abuse are also considered Domestic Violence.

Domestic Violence or Abuse or Intimate Partner Abuse is commited by one (or more) person to another which whom they are in a domestic relationship with. This abuse can be commited by a man, woman or even a child in some cases.

Most cases of Domestic Violence run on a cycle, a pattern of events. Up, down, up, down.

Abusive partners usually depend on someone being weak, or with low self esteem. A person that may have had an abusive past already. Someone that will be easy to control. Insults usually make their way into an abusive persons vocabularies. Putting down their partners to lower their self love even more. Making someone think they wont be loved by anyone else.

Isolation is another tactic that abusers use. Slowly putting a wedge between family members. Missisng family events, creating gaps between phone calls. Controlling who might be allowed to visit. The abused partner eventually depends on their abuser for emotional support they may have gotten from their family members.

Intimidation is often recognized in an abusive situation. A threat or a promise to destroy. They scare you into thinking you have no choice but to comply to a rule or a demand. Threatening to harm themselves, children or their partner.

Control is a HUGE tactic used by abusive people. Controlling who you talk to, what you wear, where you go, controlling the money in orderbto have their partners financially depend on them, or they do whatever they think might give them the upper hand. Making threats if a partner tries to leave the toxic environment.

Someone who experiences this might start to feel they have no way out. We often hear, "Why didnt they leave?" ..why didnt they? Fright. Abusers frighten their victims

to the point of no escape. Victims lose all sense of who they are. They lose the abilitybto believe in themselves and "brainwashed" into believing rhey need their abuser.

Love. Loving someone holds you down. Believing in someone. Wanting a person to change. Doing everything you can think of to "make them better" or "change them". Truly an impossible feat. Nobody can orbwill change unless they want to. Abusive people usually have or can get whatever they want, for a selfish personality, it is an ideal life, not much reason to change.

Regular use of other abusive behaviors by the abuser, when reinforced by one or more acts of physical violence, make up a larger system of abuse, that is hard, too often impossible to break.

On the flip side..

Abusive people have usually experienced some sort of abuse, bullying or trauma themseves. Low Self Esteem is often recognized in abusers. They have a need to make others feel bad about themself in order to make the abuser feel better, more powerful, more in control.

Abusive people suffer themselves from Mental Health issues. Not that they recognize their own symptoms though.

Abusive people are tight lipped about their own emotions. Acting like they don't care or they don't feel. Keeping their stern intimidating faces so not to show their own weaknesses.

Narcissism plays it's part in an abuser. They feel superior. Their own lives or feelings are always more important than anyone elses. They will brag, embellish and lie about themselves. They will be the best at everything and know the most. This is done more often to benefit themselves and their egos but, also to put out an image that others will accept and approve of.

Being in a Domestic Violence situation is exhausting. It will break even the strongest person.

If you need help to get our of a Abusive relationship, you can get help with the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-779-SAFE (7233) or test "START" to 88788.


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