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Writer's pictureforgottenwhispers

Tragedy & Pimpin'

Updated: Nov 9, 2022

Over the last year or so I have been witness to unbelievable selfishness, lies, misinformation and tragedy. 

I have seen lives destroyed, by pure bullying. Sadness used for the benefit of self worth.  Creating outrages, untrue and self based stories with a narrative written only for one. 

Scandal after scandal. Life after life. Dollar after dollar.

There seems to be a problem here, a big problem! 

So, what the fuck am I talking about!? Well, I'm talking about YouTube. Yup, YouTube. Well, certain creators or "content" I have had the displeasure to witness and even be a small part of.

I know, I're like "YouTube!? What the hell girl!?" But, just hear me out. 

YouTube, which we are all familiar with for funny cat videos or tutorials on how to change our oil, bake a soufflé, build a shed, catch a fish or fix a dying plant. A platform for individuals to share their hilarious moments or talk issues & topics they are passionate about.

You will find everything and ALL on YouTube. From News, Politics, DIY, Self Improvement, Outdoors to Cooking, Beauty Tips.. and so so much more.

It is a great place to share your own story, learn, grow and express yourself through a screen that reaches vast amount of watchers from all over the world.

YouTube is typically made up of what are called "Communities" from what I can gather. Just find your interests and "sub" to a channel.. the catalog of YouTube is endless.

But, there are darker sides to YouTube. Darker sides that paint themselves in these bright beautiful colors with splashes of glitter in order to appear like legit, trusted and a bright light in life.

It can be a powerful resource.

2 of these YT communities I have been following lately are the True Crime Community (I love me a good mystery!) and the other is what is labeled the Drama Community. These two communities claim NOT to be a part of each others communities but, from my own whacked out experiences.. I beg to differ. 

I should add that NOT all True Crime or Drama channels will fit into this blog topic. There are plenty of amazing Drama & True Crime channels on YouTube. Creators that do an outstanding job at bringing their stories, awareness and passions through videos for us to watch, enjoy, learn from and believe in.

Unfortunately, there are a few channels that call themselves True Crime or Drama Channels that show something quite tragically different.


Most Drama channels are definitely appropriately sitting amongst the correct community. Although the term "Drama" can apply to so many topics, most I have come across cover reality TV Shows like Sister Wives, The Duggar Family or The Housewives. There are plenty valid and trusted Drama Channels, just have a look for them. But do your research to be sure they ARE a trusted channel and not just a Rumor Mill.

I myself LOVE True Crime, as you can see with recent blogs I have written. There are also some exceptional True Crime Channels on YouTube that do an amazing job bringing important and compelling stories to their viewers, gluing them to their screen.

While sinking into my own YouTube world of True Crime, I happen to come across an awful story about a family that suffered a horrible tragedy. I won't go into further detail out of respect, just know that this story has touched thousands & thousands of people across the YouTube, Facebook, Reddit + more platforms.

That story of tragedy lead me to discover different creators that also seemed to be passionate about true crime like I was. I was in my zone. People like me. People that are also intrigued and passionate about bringing awareness to the millions (I'm guessing) of true crime cases around the world. Especially those of children.

And then..

I fell into a hole. The rabbit hole of YouTube.


It took me awhile to learn that some people or creators as YouTube labels them, have intentions most of us would never think of.

I have witnessed greed, and I mean unbelievable greed amongst some of these creators who clearly come to YouTube with just one intention. 

The clicks. The clout. The cash.

And Yes, I know YouTube is a living for some. On YouTube you can make a paycheck with views, super chats and memberships. You can also share your own cash app/PayPal/Venom in order to receive money from "Fans". I'm ok with that 💯!

Amazing for anyone that has been able to share themselves or their passions and make an income. What a great way bring awareness to an experience, to touch peoples hearts and desires. If you can do it then do it!! 

Again I say, BUT..another big BUT!!

The vial behavior and bullying of subscribers, taking advantage of this platform and using it for their own fraudulent gain.

Attacking and trashing other creators on YouTube and off. Sending nasty private messages. Striking and reporting content that may show them in a light they don't want y'all to see.

Basically anyone that goes against the narrative they set out as their own truths better watch out! The target shifts easily.

I have witnessed these fuckers literally use any detail they can to twist and turn the scripts of true tragedy. They have and always will create their OWN details to make whatever story or issue they are talking about that week more interesting if it isn't interesting enough, according to them that is.

All to create a bigger, more scandalous, more nasty and perhaps scary narrative than the actual truth. Stretching whatever they can to make something even more click worthy.

Making any tragic headline a money maker. A cash grab.

It is true, Humans do thrive on drama & are drawn to stories involving trauma. I do/am myself. Who doesn't love a good true mystery or shocker? The darker, scarier, and more detailed keep us frozen with curiosity. We NEED to know. We NEED to see. We NEED to be in awe. Reality TV is huge! We are a nosy bunch, that's true! 

I ask though...

Can you imagine using a story of tragedy, of absolute sadness, a life changing event that has crushed a family, broken and even divided them to gain a profit?

Inserting yourself, your own life somehow into the lives of others. Strangers really. Using the story a missing child, a murdered child, a kidnapped child to simply increase your weekly paystub, your clicks, views and sympathetic super money gathering chats? 

Imagine being such a classless piece of shit and making a profit with well thought up scams, lies and deflection? Performed like a choreographed ballet, using these stories of tragedy as the script to their delusional and cruel narrative.

Fabricating their own deceptive, untrue details to add to these very real tragedies. Making them their own. Searching for attention. Reaching for sympathy.

I mean, who the fuck would do things like that?? What kind of people would be so shallow? I think I know.

With my own, now worn out eyes, I have witnessed these horrible things in person. I am absolutely appalled by some of the behavior, the bullying, the body shaming, the cruelty, the attacking, the deflection and immaturity by grown ass adults on YouTube. A public platform. Where everyone sees you acting like a complete fucking selfish dick!


Believe fucking me..I'm not talking about just one creator or channel, I'm talking about numerous. More than there should be. And that's just in the very small circle of YouTube communities I have been floating around. Most of these creators are a little buddy buddy.

 They, in front of the worlds eyes, use peoples good hearts, practically begging for a "superchat" or a membership subscription, and then talking shit about you if you step out of line.

Constantly having a cash app, a venmo or a PayPal link scrolling past the eyes of their viewers. Smashing it into their brains. Staying online for endless hours. Collection as much money or "donations" as they can.


"Superchat" -a method of receiving money from viewers through YT while they watch you LIVE

"Membership" - a monthly fee to "join" a channel. Basically members have access to content non-members don't. I don't actually know what else comes along with memberships as I have never joined a channel as a member. But you get some extra stuff I guess. 

I have seen so much deception, and what seems to be planned deceptions at that, from these kinds of creators, it in itself is a sickening tragedy.

Would you use a child to exploit them for money? Or, bully someone to the point of them breaking down? Would you make fun of someone's looks or body? How about treating someone you don't even know absolutely horribly just because they don't agree with you or they question you? 



These actions or behaviors are not what we expect from adults. Grown ass people that should know better!! Acting like they spend their day on the school yard badgering the kids and making them cry.

Trashing and destroying other creators, fans, ex fans or even people that talk against them or their clear intentions.

Talking shit, MAD shit about them, true or not. Making up outrages lies and stories in an effort to defame or shame. To make others hate them.


Pointing deceptive fingers at others but all along truly projecting themselves and their own disgusting actions and choices.

Like fuck me, they will make up anything and/or twist anything. Strategically aiming their cross hairs, pulling the trigger, plus sending in their "men" to finish them off. In my opinion, they create a Cult like atmosphere.

A place where subs and fans are convinced to go after, talk shit, attack, blame and even visit the home of these targeted other creators or citizens to harass them. To believe no word but that of their leader.

I'm not even going to about all the RACISM. Holy fuck!! The Racism is 100% there! It's disgusting!! Absolutely disgusting! NO matter your race.

Call them out on their bullshit, you say?? Oh hell no! The streaming wrath will come down on you. Don't ask questions, don't disagree. And for God SAKE, DON'T have your own opinion!! That seems to be the most important rule of them all.  

Or wait...actually the most important rule is, praise your leader, no matter what they do or how horrifying it is. Kiss their asses like you've never kissed before. Get your loose lips ready! Bow down to them. Tell them how great and kind and lovely they are. Oh and...send a superchat! 

My brain is literally aching from all the atrocious behavior by grown humans towards others that I have witnessed. Purely mean, cruel.

I do think that some of these creators need Mental Health help. It is obvious to anyone that knows the slightest little bit about humans, will see there is something off here.

These kinds of creators thrive on tragedy more than anyone I've ever seen. SO much effort and unkind thought is put into these deceptions. For shock. For views. For the moola. 

There seems to be no limit, nothing to cruel. Its all in. Don't back down. Do what I say.

I truly feel sorry for certain creators I have come across. They seem lonely. Confused. Empty.

They are so invested in continuing the false narrative, the fantasy, the self praise and the clout, so they themselves don't get called out or found out. They need to present the person they think they are..

They are OBSESSED with Me!

..but are so clearly seen as the people they really are!

Selfish, greedy, cruel, racist.

Destroying lives.

All for a dollar.

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